Updated on 2024/12/08


Name of department
Organization for Liberal Arts, Science and Education, Career Education and Support Division
Job title
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  • 2015

    Hokkaido University   Graduate School of Education  


  • 博士(教育学)   2019

  • 修士(経済学)   2000

Association Memberships

  • 2024.05


  • 2024.04


  • 2014.09


  • 2012.11


Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology / 産業社会学

  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology of education

Classes (including Experimental Classes, Seminars, Graduation Thesis Guidance, Graduation Research, and Topical Research)

  • 2024   Entrepreneurship Basic   Liberal Arts and Sciences Subjects

  • 2024   Corporate Management in Wakayama   Liberal Arts and Sciences Subjects

  • 2024   Entrepreneurship design   Cooperative Development Subjects

Research Interests

  • キャリア形成

  • 転勤

  • キャリアコンサルティング

  • 女性労働

  • 日本的雇用慣行

Published Papers

  • Human Resources Management Systems for Spousal Job Transfers and their Issues: Viewed from the Standpoint of Relocation, Administrative Leave, and Reemployment

    KAWABATA Yumiko

    Japan Journal of Human Resource Management ( Japan Society of Human Resource Management )  19 ( 1 ) 26 - 42   2018.05  [Refereed]

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    This study examines the human resources management systems for spousal transfers, including workplace transfer programs, administrative leave for trailing spouses programs, and reemployment programs. It was revealed that, even when companies had human resources management systems in place to deal with spousal transfers, they were not necessarily thorough in their responses.

    Workplace transfer programs are offered by companies across the country, implementing course based personnel management systems. Such programs have often been used, but transfers for trailing spouses pose difficulties for the following four reasons. First problem is location. A job location must be found within a territory where the trailing spouse’s company operates, where there must be a job opening, and the more rural area is, the fewer jobs it has. Second problem is job content; as the work may vary according to the workplace locations, one may have to make a choice to opting for the location or for a job in which one has experiences. Third, such programs are part of regular personnel rotations, hence, there is a time lag before starting the new job. The program applicants have to deal with issues involved in the job transfer while waiting for the company’s decision on whether the relocation is accepted. Fourth, such programs do not envision reuse within a short period of time. Though reuse is formally possible, it is not culturally accepted.

    Administrative leave for trailing spouses programs is mainly set to prevent women in career track positions from resigning. In many companies, such programs are limited to those whose spouses have been transferred overseas. This non-statutory leave involves the following three issues. First, such programs contain several restrictions: approval authority lies with the company and the total of each leave period must be within the fixed limit. These restrictions make it impossible for such programs to meet individual needs. Second, administrative leave causes a gap in one’s career. Because such programs are not statutory, the companies do not offer assistance in reentering the work force, and it is not even considered. Third, cases of domestic transfers are basically ineligible. In addition, there are no plans to expand such eligibility.

    Reemployment programs are implemented as a form of mid-career hiring, so they are easy to introduce, and many companies have done so. Reemployment after being out of the work force is not the continuation of employment but a way to restart employment, which involves the following three issues. First, taking advantage of these programs is difficult unless the employee’s spouse’s transfer has been stopped, because there is a limit to the number of years that one may be out of the work force. Second, similar to administrative leave for trailing spouses programs, there would be a gap in one’s employment history, so getting back into one’s career is difficult. Third, reemployment possibilities are determined by companies’ needs since such programs can be customized for responding the business climate.

    Job transfers affect not only the transferred ones but also their spouses’ companies. Companies that transfer employees are on both the giving and receiving ends of this impact. However, the fact is that companies have little awareness of it. Even if they introduce human resources management systems for spousal transfers, they are unable to carry them out well. When a company transfers an employee, it is crucial to consider how to support the employee, which includes provision of an adequate explanation beforehand, coordination between the company and the employee, and achievement of a mutual agreement.


  • インターンシップ科目の再構築と展開—The Reconstruction and Evolution of the Internship Program

    川端 由美子

    ビジネス実務論集 = Applied business studies review ( 札幌 : 日本ビジネス実務学会編集委員会 )  ( 35 ) 48 - 56   2017.03  [Refereed]

  • 転勤帯同による離職経験者の特性—The Analysis of Women Leaving Their Jobs due to Their Husbands' Job Relocations

    川端 由美子

    キャリアデザイン研究 = Journal of career design studies / 日本キャリアデザイン学会 編 ( 東京 : 日本キャリアデザイン学会 )  12   103 - 113   2016.09  [Refereed]

  • The Present State and Issues of the Internship Program

    KAWABATA, Yumiko

    高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学紀要 ( お茶の水女子大学 )  7   1 - 5   2016

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the present state and issues of the internship\
    program at Ochanomizu University by assessing the results of st udent surveys.\
    The main findings are below:\
    1) detailed explanations about internships are needed before ho lding classes.\
    2) prior student training is needed before attending an interns hip.\
    3) the purpose of student internship programs is practical trai ning, not credit earning.\
    4) the timing of attending internships impacts anxiety levels o f students.\
    5) class non-attendance due to internships should be compensated by offering supplementary\

  • A Study on the Involvement of Universities in Direct Application Type Internships

    KAWABATA, Yumiko

    高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学紀要 ( お茶の水女子大学 )  7   53 - 56   2016

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    The internships acquired without university assistance are increasing because of a change\
    in the schedule of recruiting and job-hunting activities. It can be assumed that companies\
    have efficiently organized internships for short periods prior to recruiting new graduates. This\
    paper investigates how universities involved in direct application type internships. In this\
    investigation, a survey of the 21 universities has been conducted. The main findings are as\
    1) Nearly 90% of the universities provide the information regarding direct application type\
    internships to the students.\
    2) Over 70% of the universities make an effort to obtain information about students who\
    participate in direct application type internships.\
    3) Approximately 80% of the universities are providing some support to students before they\
    attend a direct application type internship.

  • インターンシップ参加学生の否定的意見 : 地方国立4大学合同調査に基づく報告—The Negative Opinions of the Students who participated in the Internships in Japan : Report based on the Joint Investigation by 4 Local National Universities

    平尾 元彦, 川端 由美子, 本庄 麻美子

    インターンシップ研究年報 = Bulletin of the Japan Society of Internship ( [東京] : 日本インターンシップ学会 )  ( 18 ) 39 - 44   2015

  • Report on the Attitudinal Survey of Internships of First-Year University Students

    Kawabata Yumiko

    Bulletin of the Japan Society of Internship ( Japan Society of Internship and Worked Integrated Learning )  18   25 - 30   2015

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Conference Activities & Talks

  • ライフイベントと既婚女性のキャリア継続:配偶者転勤等により勤務地変更をした8人へのインタビュー調査より


    日本キャリア・カウンセリング学会 第29回大会  2024.11.23  

  • アントレプレナーシップ教育のプログラム開発とその有効性:大学のキャリア教育担当者による授業実践を通して


    日本キャリア教育学会第46回研究大会  2024.10.20  

  • 転勤帯同制度導入企業に対するインタビュー調査からの考察


    日本キャリアデザイン学会 第13回研究大会  2016.09  

  • 離職理由に着目したキャリア断絶の特性調査


    日本キャリアデザイン学会 第12回研究大会  2015.09  

  • 自由応募型インターンシップについての一考察


    日本インターンシップ学会 第16回大会  2015.09  

  • A Study of Understanding of Internship in First-Year University Students

    Yumiko KAWABATA

    IAEVG International Conference 2015  2015.09  

  • 大学生のインターンシップに対する意識と参加意向

    川端由美子  [Invited]

    日本インターンシップ学会 第15回大会 高良記念助成発表  2014.09  

  • アンケート調査からみるインターンシップに対する認識


    日本インターンシップ学会 第14回大会  2013.09  

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