University of Otago Department of Tourism PhD
University of Otago Department of Tourism MTour
University of Alberta School of Business BComm
和歌山大学 観光学部 教授
和歌山大学 観光学部 准教授
和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター 准教授
オタゴ大学 Department of Management Lecturer
オタゴ大学 Center for Sustainability Research Fellow
オタゴ大学 観光学部 Assistant Research Fellow/Sessional Lecturer/Tutor
人文・社会 / 哲学、倫理学 / Business Ethics, Relationality, Jean-Luc Nancy
人文・社会 / 観光学 / Critical Tourism Studies, Tourism & Environment, Surf Tourism
人文・社会 / 社会学 / Lifestyle Sports, Surfing & Surf Culture, Japan
2023年度 Dissertation 専門教育科目
2023年度 Global SeminarⅡ 専門教育科目
2023年度 Global SeminarⅠ 専門教育科目
2023年度 専門演習Ⅰ 専門教育科目
2023年度 卒業論文 専門教育科目
2023年度 専門演習Ⅱ 専門教育科目
2023年度 Ethics of Tourism 専門教育科目
2023年度 Principles of Tourism C 専門教育科目
2023年度 プロジェクト演習 専門教育科目
2022年度 Dissertation 専門教育科目
2022年度 Dissertation 専門教育科目
2022年度 Global SeminarⅡ 専門教育科目
2022年度 Global SeminarⅠ 専門教育科目
2022年度 専門演習Ⅰ 専門教育科目
2022年度 卒業論文 専門教育科目
2022年度 専門演習Ⅱ 専門教育科目
2022年度 Ethics of Tourism 専門教育科目
2022年度 Principles of Tourism C 専門教育科目
2022年度 プロジェクト演習 専門教育科目
2022年度 Self-Directed Project C 専門教育科目
2022年度 Self-Directed Project B 専門教育科目
2021年度 専門演習Ⅱ 専門教育科目
2021年度 Ethics of Tourism 専門教育科目
2021年度 Activity for Project 専門教育科目
2021年度 卒業論文 専門教育科目
2021年度 専門演習Ⅰ 専門教育科目
2021年度 Global SeminarⅠ 専門教育科目
2021年度 Global SeminarⅡ 専門教育科目
2021年度 Dissertation 専門教育科目
2020年度 Activity for Project: Surf Tourism 専門教育科目
2020年度 Global Seminar II: Dissertation Writing 教養教育科目
2020年度 専門演習Ⅰ 専門教育科目
2020年度 Tourism and Environment B 専門教育科目
2020年度 Global SeminarⅠ 専門教育科目
2020年度 Activity for Project 専門教育科目
2019年度 Global Seminar II: Dissertation Writing 教養教育科目
2019年度 Activity for Project: Surf Toursim 専門教育科目
2019年度 Tourism and Environment B 専門教育科目
2018年度 Tourism and Environment B 専門教育科目
2017年度 Activity for Project: Surf Tourism 専門教育科目
2017年度 Tourism and Environment B 専門教育科目
2016年度 Tourism and Environment B 専門教育科目
2022年度 Understanding diversity in the United States
2023年度 特別研究 博士後期
2023年度 専門研究 2 博士前期
2023年度 専門研究 1 博士前期
2023年度 専門研究Ⅱ 博士前期
2023年度 専門研究Ⅰ 博士前期
2023年度 Tourism and Society(M) 博士前期
2023年度 Foundations of Tourism Studies(M) 博士前期
2022年度 特別研究 博士後期
2022年度 専門研究Ⅱ 博士前期
2022年度 専門研究Ⅰ 博士前期
2022年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2022年度 Critical Tourism Studies(M) 博士前期
2021年度 Critical Tourism Studies(M) 博士前期
2021年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2021年度 専門研究Ⅰ 博士前期
2020年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2020年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2019年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2019年度 Critical Tourism Studies(M) 博士前期
2018年度 Critical Tourism Studies(M) 博士前期
2018年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2017年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
2016年度 Critical Tourism Studies(M) 博士前期
2016年度 The Ethics of Tourism and Travel(M) 博士前期
Japanese Studies
Surf Tourism
Tourism and Coastal Environments
Lifestyle Sports
Critical Tourism Studies
Being Corpus: The Tourist Body as Place, Touch and Departure
AyA Autrui, Adam Doering, Ana Maria Munar
Researching with Proximity: Relational methodologies for the Anthropocene ( Springer Nature Switzerland ) 59 - 74 2023年10月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
COVID-19 the intruder: A philosophical journey with Jean-Luc Nancy into pandemic strangeness and tourism
Ana María Munar, Adam Doering
Tourism Management Perspectives 43 2022年07月 [査読有り]
In search of light: Ecohumanities, tourism and Fukushima's post-disaster resurgence
Adam Doering, Kumi Kato (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
In Higgins-Desbiolles, Doering, & Bigby (Eds). Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice 175 - 194 2022年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
“What you head!": Signs of hospitality in the tourism linguistic landscape of rural Japan
Adam Doering, Kurara Kishi (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
Tourism Culture & Communication ( Cognizant, LLC ) 27 ( 2 ) 127 - 142 2022年 [査読有り]
Maintaining Masculinities in Japan’s Transnational Surfscapes: Space, Place, and Gender
Adam Doering, Clifton Evers
Journal of Sport and Social Issues ( SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC ) 43 ( 5 ) 386 - 406 2019年10月 [査読有り]
Mobilising Stoke: A Genealogy of Surf Tourism Development in Miyazaki, Japan
Doering, A. (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
Tourism Planning and Development 15 ( 1 ) 68 - 81 2018年 [査読有り]
Critical tourism studies and the world: Sense, Praxis, and the politics of creation
Adam Doering, Jundan Zhang
Tourism Analysis ( COGNIZANT COMMUNICATION CORP ) 23 ( 2 ) 227 - 237 2018年 [査読有り]
Dressing up the place: Urban lifestyle mobilities and the production of “fashionable” tourism destinations in rural Japan
Daijiro Yamagishi, Adam Doering
Tourism Management 106 2025年02月
Eriko Todaka, Adam Doering
Education Sciences 13 ( 11 ) 1111 2023年11月 [査読有り]
Socialising tourism after COVID-19: reclaiming tourism as a social force?
Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Bobbie Chew Bigby, Adam Doering
Journal of Tourism Futures ( Emerald ) 8 ( 2 ) 208 - 219 2022年08月 [査読有り]
Tourism and the transformation of religious hospitality: An ethnography of osettai along the Choishi-michi pilgrimage route, Japan
Kaori Yanata, Adam Doering
Hospitality & Society ( Intellect ) 12 ( 3 ) 319 - 342 2022年06月 [査読有り]
日本におけるライフスタイルスポーツと公教育 : 青島中学校サーフィン部における新しい集団主義、争われたアイデンティティ、コミュニティの繋がりの探求
戸髙 英里子, Adam Doering (担当区分: 責任著者 )
観光学 ( [出版社不明] ) 26 77 - 83 2022年03月
Disempowering Minority Communities: Tourism Development in the Siwa Oasis, Egypt
Mina Kamal Asham, Kumi Kato, Adam Doering
Tourism Planning and Development ( ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD ) 2022年03月 [査読有り]
Special Issue: The interface of culture and communication in tourism
Jundan Jasmine Zhang, Adam Doering
Tourism Culture & Communication ( Cognizant, LLC ) 27 ( 2 ) 105 - 113 2022年 [査読有り]
Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Adam Doering, Bobbie Chew Bigby
Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice xxix - xxx 2021年01月
Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice
Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Adam Doering, Bobbie Chew Bigby
Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice 1 - 264 2021年01月
Introduction Socialising tourism: Reimagining tourism’s purpose
Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Adam Doering, Bobbie Chew Bigby
Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice 1 - 21 2021年01月
Local participation as tourists: Understanding the constraints to community involvement in Tanzanian tourism
Kokel Melubo, Adam Doering
Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice 72 - 90 2021年01月
Conclusion: Socialising tourism as an avenue for critical thought and justice: Ways forward
Adam Doering, Bobbie Chew Bigby, Freya Higgins-Desbiolles
Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice 244 - 254 2021年01月
COVID-19 the intruder: A brief philosophical reflection on strangeness and hospitality
Ana Maria Munar, Adam Doering
Hospitality Insights ( Auckland University of Technology ({AUT}) Library ) 4 ( 2 ) 5 - 6 2020年12月 [査読有り]
Mobilizing stoke: A genealogy of surf tourism development in Miyazaki, Japan
Doering, A. (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
In R. Sharpley & K. Kato Tourism Development in Japan: Themes, Issues and Challenges ( ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD ) 15 ( 1 ) 102 - 118 2020年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Performative nationalism in Japan’s inbound tourism television programmes: YOU, Sekai! (The World), and the tourism nation
Adam Doering, Tsz Hei (Terrance) Kong (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
In Hideki Endo (Ed.) Understanding Tourism Mobilities in Japan 138 - 157 2020年 [査読有り]
Lifestyle Sports in East Asia
Clifton Evers, Adam Doering
Journal of Sport and Social Issues ( SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC ) 43 ( 5 ) 343 - 352 2019年10月 [査読有り]
日本における「DMO」という用語の使用に関する研究:― 五大全国紙の分析から ―
永井 隼人, 牧野 恵美, 柏木 翔, ドーリング アダム, 八島 雄士
日本国際観光学会論文集 ( 日本国際観光学会 ) 26 ( 0 ) 41 - 50 2019年 [査読有り]
The emergence of the DMO concept in Japan: Confusion, contestation and acceptance
Hayato Nagai, Adam Doering, Yuji Yashima
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management ( ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV ) 9 377 - 380 2018年09月 [査読有り]
From he’e nalu to Olympic sport: A century of surfing evolution (case study)
Adam Doering (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
Publisher: Channel View Publications. 200 - 203 2018年 [招待有り]
八島 雄士, 永井 隼人, ドーリング アダム
日本国際観光学会論文集 ( 日本国際観光学会 ) 25 ( 0 ) 141 - 147 2018年 [査読有り]
Sport, tourism and identity: Japan, rugby union and the transcultural maul
T. D. Hinch, J. E.S. Higham, A. Doering
Sport and Contested Identities: Contemporary Issues and Debates 191 - 206 2017年09月 [査読有り]
Beyond the biosphere: tourism, outer space, and sustainability
Samuel Spector, James E.S. Higham, Adam Doering
Tourism Recreation Research ( ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD ) 42 ( 3 ) 273 - 283 2017年07月 [査読有り]
Exploring stability and change in transport systems: combining Delphi and system dynamics approaches
David Rees, Janet Stephenson, Debbie Hopkins, Adam Doering
Transportation ( SPRINGER ) 44 ( 4 ) 789 - 805 2017年07月 [査読有り]
Mobilities for tourism studies and "beyond": A polemic
Adam Doering, Tara Duncan
Tourism Analysis ( COGNIZANT COMMUNICATION CORP ) 21 ( 1 ) 47 - 59 2016年 [査読有り]
Freedom and Belonging "Up in the Air": Reconsidering the Travel Ideal with Jean-Luc Nancy
Adam Doering (担当区分: 筆頭著者, 責任著者 )
Publisher: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783035109511 109 - 134 2016年 [査読有り]
Book review. Tourism Imaginaries: Anthropological Approaches
Adam Doering
Annals of Tourism Research ( PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD ) 54 222 - 223 2015年09月 [査読有り]
Conceptualizing transport transitions: Energy Cultures as an organizing framework
Janet Stephenson, Debbie Hopkins, Adam Doering
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment ( WILEY PERIODICALS, INC ) 4 ( 4 ) 354 - 364 2015年07月 [査読有り]
The energy cultures framework: Exploring the role of norms, practices and material culture in shaping energy behaviour in New Zealand
Janet Stephenson, Barry Barton, Gerry Carrington, Adam Doering, Rebecca Ford, Debbie Hopkins, Rob Lawson, Alaric McCarthy, David Rees, Michelle Scott, Paul Thorsnes, Sara Walton, John Williams, Ben Wooliscroft
Energy Research and Social Science ( ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV ) 7 117 - 123 2015年05月 [査読有り]
Book Review: Tourism and Mobilities: Local-Global Connections (Peter M. Burns and Marina Novelli, Eds.).
Adam Doering (担当区分: 筆頭著者 )
Tourism Analysis 15 ( 2 ) 283 - 285 2010年 [査読有り]
Socialising tourism: Rethinking tourism for social and ecological justice
Higgins-Desbiolles, Freya, Doering, Adam, Chew Bigby, Bobbie( 担当: 編集, 担当範囲: Co-editor)
Routledge 2022年 ISBN: 9780367759223
Transport Transitions in New Zealand: A scoping study
Ford, R., Doering, A., & Stephenson, J( 担当: 共著, 担当範囲: A report prepared for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA))
Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/4841. 2014年
Energy Transitions: Lighting in Vanuatu
Walton, S., Doering, A., Gabriel, C.-A., & Ford, R.( 担当: 共著, 担当範囲: Project Report submitted as part of Independent Completion Report, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Aid.)
Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/4859 2014年
Independent Completion Report: Lighting Vanuatu.
Swete-Kelly, D., Doering, A., Ford, R., Gabriel, C., Walton, S.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Aid. 2014年
"Entanglements". Photographic contribution for A Toxic Love Affair: Polluted Leisure in ‘Blue Spaces’
Doering, A., curated by Clifton Evers and James Davoll, Exhibition at the Hatton Gallery, Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice, Newcastle, UK
Being Corpus: The tourist body as place, touch and departure
Munar, A.M, Doering, A, AyA Autrui [招待有り]
HUMAN: Post-anthropocentric Enquiries in Business and Society Research Seminar at the Department of Business Humanities and Law, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 2023年04月13日
Return to surf in post-tsunami Aceh and Fukushima
Pakan, S.P, Doering, A, Takahashi, Y [招待有り]
International Center for Ache and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) Public Discussion Series #92 2022年11月28日
Return to surf: Re-understanding the seas among local surfers in post-tsunami settings
Pakan, S.P., Doering, A
The Fifth Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS 2021). Mid-Sweden University, Sweden 2022年09月22日
Dressing up the place: Lifestyle mobilities, fashion and place making in Miyazaki, Japan
Yamagishi, D, Doering, A
T2M 20th Annual Conference, Mobilities: Disruptions, and Reconnections. Padua, Italy. 2022年09月21日
"Producers" of place: Fashionable lifestyle mobilities and the production of tourism destinations in rural Japan
Daijiro Yamagishi, Adam Doering
Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) 2022年01月01日
Philosophizing Tourism in Troubling Times
Doering, A, Munar, A, Grimwood, B, Caton, K, Kato, K
29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research. University of Akureyri, Iceland 2021年09月21日
Wall, Pine and Sea: A poetic and slow research project on coastal development, injustice and compassion
AyA Autrui, Adam Doering, Ana Maria Munar
Critical Tourism Studies - North America, Justice, Mobility & Power: In Search of Ethical Encounters in Tourism 2021年06月22日
CoVid-19 the intruder: Reflections on hospitality and justice
Aya Autrui, Doering, A, Munar, A
Critical Tourism Studies - North America, Justice, Mobility & Power: In Search of Ethical Encounters in Tourism 2021年06月19日
Response-ability in the entanglement of gender, surfing & tourism
Panel Chair/Coordinator, Doering, A., (with lisahunter, Eri Mizuno, and Yoshifusa Ichii)
The 2nd International Conference of Critical Tourism Studies Asia Pacific 2020年02月
Lifestyle sports & post-disaster resurgence: Preliminary findings from Fukushima’s surf tourism development
Doering, A.
観光学術学会第8回大会 2019年07月
Being-with Jean-Luc Nancy: Freedom, World and Intrusion in Travel and Tourism
Adam Doering, ドーリング アダム [招待有り]
Critical Tourism Studies IX: With in Dangerous Times. Menorca, Spain, June 27 – July 1, 2022.
Ngupi (ニュピ)アチェ & 福島: 私たちのストーリーを取り戻すために: 津波、サーフィン、コミュニティ
髙橋優子, アダム・ドーリング, 斎藤勇樹, 松本康弘 [招待有り]
アチェ・ インド洋研究アチェ国際センター PUBLIC DISCUSSION SERIES #102 2024年02月19日
Mundus Corpus: Rethinking Tourism Worldmaking Through the World of Bodies
AyA Autrui, Munar, A. M, Doering, A [招待有り]
Critical Tourism Studies: North America Conference IV - Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada 2023年08月05日
Living with the sea
Doering, A.
Who says border? [koerarehen bōda nanka, arahen] Global Training School 2022 Conference hosted by the Junior Chamber [of Commerce] International Japan (JCI Japan) 2022年08月05日
CoVid-19 the intruder: A philosophical journey with Jean-Luc Nancy into pandemic strangeness, tourism and justice
Doering, A [招待有り]
Ethical Tourism and Mobility Justice after the Pandemic: The Future of Global Travel Symposium. The Institute of the Humanities and Social Science at Ritsumeikan University, Japan 2022年01月23日
Current state and challenges of Japan’s DMO’s partnerships program: Success or failure?
Kim, J., Yashima, Y., Nagai, H., & Doering, A.
The 2nd International Conference of Critical Tourism Studies Asia Pacific 2020年02月
Maintaining masculinities: space, place and gender in Wakayama’s transnational surfscape
Doering, A.
The 2nd International Conference of Critical Tourism Studies Asia Pacific 2020年02月
From sponsorship to partners: Exploring organisational change in a Japanese DMO
Kim, J., Nagai, H., Doering, A., Yashima, Y.
The 6th Travel and Tourism Research Association Asia Pacific Chapter (TTRA-APac) Annual Conference 2019年12月
八島雄士, 金ジェウク, 永井隼人, ドーリング・アダム
観光学術学会第8回大会 2019年07月
Life and polluted leisure in the wake of disaster: Living with Fukushima’s “polluted” sea
Doering, A., Evers, C., Davoll, J.
Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) of the UK and Commonwealth Conference. ASA18 Sociality, Matter, and the Imagination: Re-creating Anthropology 2018年09月
Life, leisure and tourism of the wake of disaster: Living with Fukushima’s ‘contaminated’ sea
Doering, A.
Critical Tourism Studies Asia Pacific Inaugural Conference 2018年03月
Living with Fukushima’s ‘contaminated’ sea: Life, leisure and tourism of the wake of disaster
Doering, A.
The 28th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference 2018年02月
The increased usage of the English term 'DMO' in a Japanese context: An analysis of five major national newspapers
Nagai, H., Makino, E., Kashiwagi, S., Doering, A., Yashima, Y.
The 28th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference 2018年02月
Yashima, Y., Nagai, H., Doering, A.
日本国際観光学会第21回全国大会 2017年10月
Local tourism practitioners' views on the emergence of the DMO concept in Japan: An exploratory study
Nagai, H., Doering, A., Yashima, Y.
The 23rd Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Annual Conference 2017年06月
The early emergence of the Japanese DMO: preliminary insights from Miyazaki, Japan
Nagai, H., Doering, A., Yashima, Y.
27th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference 2017年02月
Surf City Miyazaki: The historical production of surf tourism development in rural Japan
Doering, A.
27th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference 2017年02月
Loss, hope and World Heritage: Narratives of endings and beginnings along the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Trail
Doering, A., Tucker, H., Kato, K.
27th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference 2017年02月
Mobilising stoke: Origins, transformations, and futures of Japanese surf culture and seascape
Doering, A.
Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Canada Chapter Conference 2016年09月
Tourism and The World: Sense, praxis and relationality
Doering, A., Zhang, J.
Postcolonial Studies Research Network, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Relationality: A Symposium 2015年11月
Tourism and The World: Sense, praxis and the politics of ‘we’
Doering, A., Zhang, J.
Critical Tourism Studies Conference VI: Reflections on the road less travelled and the journey ahead 2015年06月
Lighting Vanuatu: Energy transitions, energy cultures and business models
Walton, S., , Ford, B., , Doering, A., Gabriel, A.
Centre for Sustainability (CSAFE) Seminar Series. University of Otago 2014年10月
Energy transitions in transport: toward a more efficient New Zealand
Doering, A., Ford, B.
National Energy Research Institute (NERI) 2014 Conference - Going Further with Energy: Initiatives for Efficiency & Productivity 2014年03月
Efficiency gains in future transport.
Stephenson, J., Hopkins, D., Doering, A.
National Energy Research Institute (NERI) 2014 Conference - Going Further with Energy: Initiatives for Efficiency & Productivity 2014年03月
Drivers and transitions for global transport: Preliminary results from an international Delphi study
Stephenson, J.,, Hopkins, D., Doering, A.
University of Otago Energy Research Centre Symposium 2013年11月
Returning to travel…to belong?
Doering, A.
Travel Ideals: Engaging with Spaces of Mobility International Conference. University of Melbourne, Travel Research Network 2012年07月
The anchor of mobilities: Stabilising, defining and structuring our mobile world(s)
Doering, A.
Towards a Movement-driven Social Sciences in Aotearoa/New Zealand Conference 2010年11月
2024年04月-2028年03月基盤研究(B) 分担
Life, leisure and tourism in the wake of disaster: Investigating the role of surf tourism for post-tsunami coastal recovery
2022年04月-2025年03月基盤研究(C) 代表
2021年04月-2024年03月基盤研究(B) 分担
Enhancing Social-Ecological Resilience through Sustainable Tourism Governance in post-corona era:Traditional value-based approach for Community Vision,Capacity and Leadership.
2020年10月-2025年03月国際共同研究加速基金・国際共同研究強化(B) 分担
2020年04月-2021年03月基盤研究(B) 分担
2019年04月-2022年03月基盤研究(B) 分担
Fukushima: In search of new light
2020年03月Center for Sustainability, University of Otago
Conference Chair
2020年02月Critical Tourism Studies - Asia Pacific
Surf Tourism in Japan
2020年02月UNWTO Future Tourism Leaders Workshop (FTLW) 2020: Sustainable Development actions in Rural Tourism
Fukushima: In Search of New Light” [福島:新しい光をさがして]
2019年10月Iwaki City Art Museum
Mega-events, lifestyle sports, and Japan: Gender & disaster recovery
2019年09月Wakayama University’s Tourism Education and Research Seminar Series in Tokyo
2019年05月27日Nankai Nichinichi Shinbun. “Policy development for ecosystem use: Katoku coastline”
The Principles of Ecotourism: Lessons learned from New Zealand
2019年05月Amami Culture Center, Naze, Amami City
Articles reviewed: 2
2019年04月-継続中Wakayama University Association for Tourism Studies
Reviewer (Presentations)
2019年04月-2021年03月TTRA International Scientific Review Committee
Reviewer (Films).
2019年04月-2020年03月Japan’s World Tourism Film Festival (JWTFF).
2019年04月Minamisoma Magazine, “Surfing Life in Mianmisoma.”
Reflecting on the diversity of the world’s food and agriculture
2019年03月Wakayama University Tourism & Food-Agriculture Unit
Surfing “contaminated” seas: Polluted leisure & Fukushima
2019年01月Center for Tourism Research Seminar Series - Tourism and SDGs
Surf Simply Magazine (November 28, 2018). “The Rising Sun: Surf Tourism Development in Miyazaki"
Photography exhibition. “Entanglements”
2018年09月Exhibition at the Hatton Gallery, Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice,
Surf, sea and sustainability: A public seminar
2018年06月Wakayama University in collaboration with Patagonia Surf Osaka
Scientific Review Committee
2018年04月-継続中Critical Tourism Studies – Asia Pacific Conference
Articles reviewed: 2
2018年04月-継続中Annals of Tourism Research
Articles reviewed: 1
2018年04月-継続中Journal of Sport & Social Issues
Articles reviewed: 1
2018年04月-継続中Journal of Outdoor Recreation
Reviewer (Presentations)
2018年04月-継続中Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
新地町の漁師たち – Fukushima Fisherman (Toru Yamada)
2018年01月Wakayama University Sustainability Unit
Examining the history and roles of the DMO: NZ
2017年12月Wakayama University public seminar in Tokyo
Nature conservation and sustainable tourism in relation to UNESCO
2017年11月Center for Tourism Research Public Seminar Series
Current status of destination management organizations overseas
2017年09月Japan Tourism Agency Education Project
Articles reviewed: 8
2016年04月-継続中Journal of Sustainable Tourism (JOST)
Articles reviewed: 4
2016年04月-継続中Tourism Analysis
Articles reviewed: 2
2016年04月-継続中Tourist Studies
Articles reviewed: 2
2016年04月-継続中Journal of Sport & Tourism
Articles reviewed: 3
2016年04月-継続中Tourism Planning & Development
Articles reviewed: 2
2016年04月-継続中Annals of Leisure Research
Articles reviewed: 2
2016年04月-2019年03月Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies
General membership
2018年04月-継続中Japan Society for Tourism Studies (JSTS – 観光学術学会)
General membership
2016年04月-継続中Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
General membership
2016年04月-継続中Japan Foundation for International Tourism (JAFIT).
Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member
2016年01月-2022年04月Critical Tourism Studies – Asia Pacific