Institut Teknologi Bandung, ITB Research Student of Doctoral Program of Architecture Architecture Doctoral Study Program
The University of Kitakyushu Graduate School of Environmental Engineering 環境工学専攻 建築デザインコース 博士後期課程
The University of Kitakyushu Graduate School of Environmental Engineering 環境工学専攻 建築デザインコース 博士前期課程
The University of Newcastle English Language Bridging Program
The University of Kitakyushu Faculty of Environmental Engineering Architectural design course
Association Memberships
Architectural Institute of Japan
Research Areas
Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural history and design / Design theory, Architectual design
Research Interests
Design theory, Architectual design
Published Papers
A Study About Discourse Relationship Between the Design Concepts and Architectural Expressions of Residential Works by Steven Holl
Yurika Mori
Iconarp International J. of Architecture and Planning 2024.12
A Study on Planar Complexity and Order in Residential Projects by Steven Holl
Yurika Mori, Bart Dewancker (Part: Lead author )
International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation 6 ( 1 ) 12 - 26 2024.03 [Refereed]
Characteristics of notational expression by decomposition of Steven Holl’s sketches
Yurika Mori, Bart Dewancker (Part: Lead author )
Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research 2024.01 [Refereed]
(Part: Lead author )
1 - 6 2022 [Refereed]
Dadang Hartabela, Bart Dewancker, Cipta Vidyana, Yurika Mori
Planning Malaysia 20 89 - 100 2022
A Chronological Study and Statistical Analysis of Steven Holl's Architectural Design Works
Yurika Mori, Bart Dewancker (Part: Lead author )
International Journal of Building, Urban, Interior and Landscape Technology (BUILT) 16 23 - 33 2020.12 [Refereed]
A Study on Steven Holl's Residential Works based on Consideration of the Active Period
(Part: Lead author )
13 - 16 2020 [Refereed]
A Study on Steven Holl's Architectural Design Works From 1975 until Present
(Part: Lead author )
183 - 186 2019 [Refereed]
Books etc
My View of Japan Vol.202 Messages from Markets and Abandoned School Buildings
YuLing Tsai, 森( Work: 翻訳)
近代建築社 2022.11
My View of Japan Vol.196 / Japanese cities are changing day by day
Dadang Hartabela, 森( Work: 翻訳)
近代建築社 2022.06
My view of Japan Vol.196/David Christian
David Christian, 森( Work: Translation)
近代建築社 2022.02
Research on unused land in the central city area of Kitakyushu City
細野蒼, 森友里歌, DEWANCKER Bart
日本建築学会研究報告 九州支部(CD-ROM) ( 63 ) 2024
森 友里歌
アジア女性研究 / アジア女性交流・研究フォーラム [編] ( 北九州 : アジア女性交流・研究フォーラム ) ( 32 ) 19 - 22 2023.03
Awards & Honors
Kitakyushu Innovative Human Resource and Regional Development Program
Winner: Yurika Mori
2022.02 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構
Keidanren Global Human Resource Development Scholarship 10th Generation
Winner: Yurika Mori
2021.12 Keidanren Ishizaka Memorial Foundation
Best Master Thesis Award
Winner: Yurika Mori
2021.03 北九州市立大学大学院 スティーブン・ホールの住宅計画における平面形態と空間的特性に関する研究 幾何学図形の数学的特性及び平面形態の秩序と複雑さの現出
Grand Prize for Graduation Design
Winner: Yurika Mori
2019.03 The university of Kitakyushu 『ベリーピッキングモデルを用いた情報検索空間の提案』
卒業設計日本一決定戦 100選入選
Winner: 森 友里歌
2019.03 せんだいデザインリーグ 『ベリーピッキングモデルを用いた情報検索空間の提案』
第1回環境首都北九州SDGsアワード ESD表彰 優秀賞
Winner: NPO北九州ビオトープネットワーク研究会
2019.02 北九州ESD協議会 里山保全活動『平成竹取伝説』
tonica Kitakyushu Architecture Exhibition 2019 Grand Prize
Winner: 森 友里歌
2019.02 tonica 『ベリーピッキングモデルを用いた情報検索空間の提案』
AILCD Bamboo Design Workshop 2018
Winner: グループで受賞
2018.06 AILCD 竹材を利用したパビリオン
Muho Matsu Sake Brewery Label Design Competition, Grand Prize
Winner: 森 友里歌, 佐々木 麻衣
2018.03 無法松酒造有限会社 YOUGUNBARU
Gembi “Hiroshima Brand” Design Competition 2017
Winner: 森 友里歌
2018.01 Honorable Mention はいからさんが通る
Honorable Mention, Kitchen Space Idea Competition
Winner: 森 友里歌
2017.12 インテリア産業協会 オフィスにおける屋上菜園型キッチンの提案
Honorable Mention, 2nd DIY Idea Contest
Winner: Yurika Mori
2017.04 NPO法人ちば地域再生リサーチ 住空間における障子を用いたリノベーション
Conference Activities & Talks
Challenges and Analysis for Women in Citizen Action on Environment in Both Japan and Indonesia
Yurika Mori [Invited]
The 34th Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women “Living in Crisis” 2024.01.20
The Action for sustainable society
Yurika Mori [Invited]
第66回国連女性の地位委員会(CSW66)報告会 2022.06.10
Yurika Mori [Invited]
NGO CSW66 Forum Parallel Event by KFAW "Youth talk: action for climate justice, disaster prevention & gender equality" 2022.03.17
Beyond Borders! Conservation of SATO-UMI/SATO-YAMA
Yurika Mori, Hanako Osumi, Jin Tanaka, Shu Honda, Yuiko Mitani [Invited]
The 21th The Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) youth forum 2019.11.23
Competitive funding, donations, etc. from foundation, company, etc.
2025.04-2027.03Research subsidy Principal investigator
Joint or Subcontracted Research with foundation, company, etc.
2024.08-2025.03Joint research Co-investigator